Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Trolls by Cairn

In anticipation for a poetry lesson from Grant, Cairn wrote the above poem instead of a spooky story.  She's also had her nose stuck in an illustrated poetry book most of the afternoon.

Quick note on good trolls: the rock trolls in Frozen and the trolls in Herb Fairies are all good, even if they are a bit scary at first.  I teased that the sign in her troll's hands should be a protest sign with a slogan like "Trolls are people!"  or "We have feelings too!"  or "Equality for Trolls."  She rolled her eyes.

Are six year olds allowed to roll their eyes?  Is is normal for them to talk back?  To shout "FINE!" when they loose a battle then storm off into their room?  I thought that would come with puberty.

Or, here are some more recent Cairn antics: She has turned into a crybaby hypochondriac.  Her foot suddenly hurts and it's the most painful thing in the world.  It's a small scratch.  Or after running around with a bunch of other kids she suddenly has a headache and has had it for three days and only played with the kids because she had to, but now she's in tears (and not the quiet sort).  Mostly I tell her too get a big drink of water or to rub some chamomile infused oil on herself, then make sure to give her more snuggles later when she isn't as dramatic.  Am I doing right?

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