Monday, June 8, 2015

Girls Night

This isn't Girls' Night.  This was a trip to the zoo with Our friends the Sullivans.  I love how well they hold hands!

Now this is Girls Night.  We watched girly movies, did our nails and ate chocolate.  Well, we made chocolate then ate the dough and batter scrapings.  Which left a sweet dessert to share with friends the next day.

How does girls night happen?  We encourage Grant to take Gauge on the Father & Sons camping trip!  It's a small sacrifice to make for us girls to bond, but we're willing to do it.  I wonder if Grant'll be so willing next year after Gauge's 2am crying out for Mommy this year?

Oh, and Aster's a walking monster... She went from standing at Josiah's birthday to walking for Cerise's birthday...

And now I need to rescue Daddy from her help at the dishes...

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